Everything You Need To Know About LoL Mastery

Everything You Need To Know About LoL Mastery

11 September 2020

The “Mastery” indicator has long delighted fans of the famous game, showing the strength with which a champion can play and determining the player’s rank. Winning gives you not only the sweet taste of victory, but also the opportunity to earn rewards, Champion Points, and direct development of your position.

How To Unlock Your Mastery?

Your profile gives information about the top Champіons, Masterу Scоre, and Champіons tо unlосk soon. Don’t even try to get everything at once. Only after reaching the 5th level, you can begin to unlock Champion Mastery. This takes about 16-30 games for the ordinary League of Legend players.

How To Unlock Your Mastery?

Indeed, if you don’t want to wait that long, you can turn to boosting services that will take your account to the top in no time. In addition, there is no cheating system here: only the best boosters work to improve your hero by passing levels and increasing your rank.

Since all heroes start from scratch, boosting will be perfect for those who do not want to waste their time on minor victories, but want to get good skills and play with worthy opponents.

How Does Points System Work In LoL?

How Does Points System Work In LoL?

The role you choose and your game’s quality influence the points you get after the match from the Mastery system. The hero and position you play at are crucial in the distribution of points. To be fair, your play has to be compared to other gamers’, and your rating is relied on percentage. Therefore, if you get a good result in League of Legend, you will be among the main gamers with the same champion in the same position. Gaining points increases your rank only after level 5.

How To Earn Champion Points in League of Legend?

As we’ve already found out, we need to earn Champion Points in order to increase the rank and level of hero skills. The number of rewards and points directly depends on your personal or team performance. The results will be shown to you after the battle.

Did you know that team game is more encouraged in LoL? Thus, playing in a team, you get a lot more Champion Points. Moreover, the larger your team is, the higher your reward will be. So call your friends and win faster!

What About Grindy?

It all depends on your success because the speed of mastering a new hero directly affects progress. In addition, the developers try to make League of Legend as comfortable as possible for you. That’s why the system aims to level up your champion and gain significant performance feedback in every game. The ceilings are lowered for each champion individually, which makes the game more interesting.

What About Grindy?

What About Rewards?

The quality of your reward is directly related to your Mastery Level. It is worth noting that you will begin to receive pleasant rewards only after reaching the fourth level. Having conquered the first three levels, you will have the opportunity to receive unique Mastery badge emotes, unique banners, loading screen borders, and much more. Moreover, the developers keep updating the list of attractive rewards.

The Mastery badge emote allows you to showcase the successes you have achieved as a champion. The loading screen border gives you the ability to show your team your Champion’s Master level with a hotkey. At the same time, the opposing team players will not see this, which gives you an advantage in the struggle for victory.

The announcement banner gives you more information, which makes the game process easier. You can see when your teammate kills an enemy or when a rival of five or higher rank dies.

We hope you find our answers helpful. Take part in different battles, enjoy the game, and win. League of Legends is perfect for an exciting fight for the championship!

If you don’t want to risk your rank in League of Legends we would suggest you take a look at ours placements matches boosting here.