Top 5 Best Call of Duty Maps Of All Times

Top 5 Best Call of Duty Maps Of All Times

10 September 2020

Are you tired of boring maps and similar games, want to find a lot of loot or try unexplored Call of Duty maps? Then we will help you choose the hottest places that will make you return again and again.

Of course, it’s not a secret for anyone that Call of Duty is a trendy game that often pleases its followers with new versions, maps, and weapons. Every player will find something unique here: a classic shooter, just a skill training or adrenaline firefight. You can play on mobile, multiplayer, or PC, it depends on your preference. CoD opens up many possibilities for its fans. One of these is the choice of an exciting map that will be a great addition to an impressive game. So let’s make this choice together!

№ 5 Wasteland in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

This is a huge CoD map (although it is smaller than the popular Derail), moving near the fourth power unit in Chernobyl. Your border here is radiation, various bushes, and fences. The hottest place is a bunker with three entrances. Some details of the map are taken from the missions in Cаll оf Dutу 4: Modern Warfare.

This Call of Duty map is famous for its wide-open space, which allows you to use all the available open locations. It is a huge plus for a skilled player to quickly get rid of opponents. Pay attention that the map has a large number of open miniguns (at least 5), which makes the shooter an easy target for enemy snipers. So we advise you to find cover as quickly as possible: a bunker in the center of the map or a house that will help you hide from enemy bullets. Most players choose the bunker, which allows them to hide, spy on enemies, and easily defend two main entrances.

Wasteland in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

What dоes this Call of Duty map catch with?

Wasteland has many popular spots that attract the attention of both novice and experienced players.

The bunker is the safest cover. Due to its central location, it has long been a favorite place for many players. With its help, you can get from one half of the map to another quickly. You will also easily kill rushers there, sitting in a corner and waiting for them. But you can mine one way with the help of perks, so it will be much more difficult to smoke you out, especially if the player is not alone. In most cases, gamers use three places to hide there: on the table, behind boxes, or in the corner behind a wooden wall.

Northwest of the map, a position at the BMP. This place has a view on most of the western half of the map, including the bunker entrance, and allows the sniper to have a good cover with the correct positioning.

The house roof in front of the cemetery. An open position, where the sniper does not protect anything at all; thus, you will find just 1-2 enemies. On the plus side – excellent visibility in both directions and the ability to get away from enemy fire quickly by jumping down.

Wasteland is considered a favorite CoD map for snipers and stealth lovers because open space is an excellent opportunity to start a firefight from a distance or go behind these snipers and destroy the entire team. The map is unique in its open space and a small amount of cover. Thus, the game becomes more intense and exciting. You are on your toes until you win. Constant actions, battles, and searches for enemies do not stop for a minute.

№ 4 Highrise in CoD: Modern Warfare 2

This exciting Call of Duty map is the complete opposite of number five because of lots of covers, making the game more intense. The amazing location provides a view of two skyscrapers to the north and south. The map’s uniqueness appears in everything: office premises will be the best place for shotguns and machine guns, take assault rifles with you in close battles, new sniper rifles will take your shooting to the next level.

The map consists of three levels: sniper spots, the main roof, and tunnel. A south roof is an excellent place if you are a sniper, as it offers a good view of most locations of the map. BUT: don’t forget that your cover is easy to shoot from the floor below. The “second” floor of the northern building is accessible by a significant run on the north side’s crane. Such an action makes you more visible and vulnerable. Highrise is also one of the best maps for upgrading your ammo. There you will find a vast amount of glass panes, office cardboard floors, and simple metal flyers.

Highrise in CoD: Modern Warfare 2

You can run directly behind enemy lines or shoot at opponents right from the respawn. If you want to take a comfortable position after landing on the Highrise map, the best choice would be the helipad or the stairs next to it: it will be accessible for you to shoot and hunt enemies there, but it is much more difficult to protect your back. Since this Call of Duty map has several levels, it is harder to track enemies, so it is better to use a drone to determine the opponents’ level. It will be more difficult to do the same with the Helicopter since it tends to linger over the northern building roof for a long time.

The map has incredible graphics, all the details of which are clearly visible. It allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of intense combat fully and provides the opportunity to find cover and take a break from the enemy’s attacks.

№ 3 Havana in CoD: Black Ops

What could be better than a shootout in bright sunny Havana? The main wide road that divides the city into two parts becomes the basis for hostilities. It is a reasonably popular city map with many small buildings that provide excellent cover, long and wide streets, and many unusual places.

The main road is beautiful and dangerous. You should not appear there for no reason, because the chance that it is watching is very high. It would be better to cross to the other side by roundabout routes, which are also numerous there.

The center of the CoD map has two the largest buildings, one of them is elongated, and the other, located between the respawns, is wide enough. The center of the map is unofficially considered to be the left side since there are no open streets and most players.

Havana in CoD: Black Ops

Respawns, by the way, are very similar: there are quite identical houses near them, you can even get out of them using the same ways. It is very convenient to run to the lower house through the western alley and lie down next to a stone vase for flowers when respawning in the north of the map in superiority and team battle modes. It allows you to get 5-6 frags quickly. Since combat occurs in city settings with common face-to-face contacts, close-quarters battle and sniper rifles are popular.

The map is famous for its variety and quality of weapon:

  • Shotguns will come in handy in any close combat.
  • Assault rifles will kill your opponent in the next building.
  • Sniper rifles will win with you a shootout on the long streets.

The Havana map is interesting because you don’t know what to expect. An enemy bullet can be waiting for you around every corner. Adrenaline rises throughout the game, which does not allow you to relax even for a minute. New ways, exciting locations, and the effect of surprise make hot Havana the best place for your firefight.

№ 2 Terminal in CoD: Modern Warfare 2

Do you like classics? We adore classics! The Terminal is a very prominent location in the entire franchise. Call of Duty map placed at the airport is located mostly in the Terminal, with a small outer area and access to the passenger plane. This variety of playstyle options (especially for search and destroy) is the main factor of Terminal’s popularity.

The classics never disappoint because it’s great for all kinds of games:

– snipers can make the most of long sightlines,

– close combat’s fans will meet many opponents around the corners of long corridors and rooms,

– those who have chosen defense tactics will find many secret hiding places.

This location allows you to play solo or with someone.

 Terminal in CoD: Modern Warfare 2

The best tactic for a solo battle will be to pick up a shield from one of the first three special forces and get a useful weapon. The shield allows you to get rid of your opponent with one or maximum two hits. Another option for passing the game will be the systematic destruction of waves of opponents. In this case, it is recommended to stay near the wall so that no one goes behind your back. If the enemy comes too close, find a space for retreat and cover from fire, where you can throw a flash grenade and start a counterattack.

Passage for two is similar to solo. The point is that you can share responsibilities, which will significantly simplify your task. This division will help a lot by the last wave on the escalators, where the player with the shield will hold the center, and the other one will shoot at the remaining enemies below.

Important tips

  • Make good use of the available grenades. They will be beneficial in this particular operation. Grenades will slowly spawn from the killed enemies.
  • Having discerned the silhouette of a special forces officer with a shield in the smoke, we do not hesitate to give him a gift in the form of a charge from an under-barrel grenade launcher.
  • Do not shoot from the grenade launcher directly into the shield.
  • Want to upgrade your account? The best solution here is boosting. The right boosting service will help you achieve the desired success, get the best weapons, and win battles repeatedly.

№ 1 Backlot in CoD 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

The first place takes the desert map, which is based on the Shock mission. The action takes place among a deserted city in the Middle East. You will fight either on the side of the US Marines in the west or with separatists in the southeast.

The Call of Duty map’s center is open and easy to view, so the map’s main battles are for controlling the flanks. Moreover, each respawn has two paths, making it more difficult to keep the map’s defense. But it only increases interest, doesn’t it? Immediately after respawning, you will find yourself on the street connected with the flanks and the center.

You will have three main paths:

Flank A. This is the best place for the separatists, as it is convenient to hold the defense here, and it has a good view of the entire street, which allows you to kill more enemies. However, an essential point on this flank is side building # 3. It enables you to avoid the enemy without risking being hit by bullets on an open street. This building also gives snipers an excellent hideout because it is sufficiently protected and is available to fire at the opposite building.

Flank B. The main part is occupied by building # 2. Battles are most often fought behind a construction site here, which can be used as a base in fightings. On the top floor, snipers will find a comfortable position to fire at the opposite building. Besides, the building has a basement that is not used by players. However, you can hide there and, at the right time, hit the enemy on the main floor.

Center. This is the most exposed part of the Call of Duty map. It has no value other than serving as a starting point for any flank. You can take an excellent position to kill incoming enemies in the central building. The rooftop is the ideal position for a sniper. You need to get out the window overlooking the separatists’ respawn side, jump over to the balcony, and climb the stairs. The entire map is easily viewed here, and you can die only from opponent snipers and air support.

Backlot in CoD 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

The good thing about the map is that there are many secret places where you can hide and attack enemies. It is the favorite of those who like to play a tense, exciting game, feel adrenaline in their blood, and fight hard for victory. Different locations have their own characteristics and unexplored areas, which pulls players like a magnet. Haven’t you tried this map yet? It’s time to play and feel the burst of energy!

Indeed, there are many more exciting maps that CoD share with us. Many people will like newer or more popular locations, but the above-listed ones have been the favorites of many tops and ordinary players for a long time and are unlikely to leave the list of the most popular Call of Duty maps soon. If you haven’t played at these locations yet, be sure to give it a try. They will not disappoint you!

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