The Modern Warfare season four battle pass with Captain Price

The Modern Warfare season four battle pass with Captain Price

03 November 2020

The weak alliance that held the calm in Verdansk collapsed. Captain Price arrived in a chaotic city on the edge of war to restore the truce and stop the conflict in Season Fourth.

Captain Price is a classic hero for players with a battle pass COD. You will find updates in the game process, weapons, and fresh game modes.

Three new modes during a game

The fourth season has added three new events that will launch in the middle of a game – Jailbreak, Fire Sale, or Supply Choppers. These twists significantly change the strategy of the gamers and influence the approach to the gameplay. The Call Of Duty season pass will allow you to become a part of new game mechanics and events. Only one event can happen during the game.

  • All defeated gamers get a second chance to go back in-game and fight for victory after the beginning of a Jailbreak. Everyone who takes part in duels and watches the game will return to the battlefield again. You will get a notification about the beginning of the Jailbreak a minute before the start, and you can prepare for your teammates’ return. Buy equipment and weapons for them. However, do not forget that killed enemies and will also return to the battlefield; be careful.
  • During the Fire Sale, you will have the opportunity to revive a teammate for free for around one minute, and there is also a 60% discount on the purchase of equipment at the stations. Besides, many players will be at the selling stations, and you will have to fight them with a short duration of discounts. Be careful; the discount does not apply to packages with loot.
  • Armored helicopter arrives with loot in Supply Choppers to the map. You need to destroy it, but it will not be easy because the helicopter has a lot of hp, but at the same time, it does not shoot you back. With battle pass COD, you can try your luck and shoot down the helicopter. Keep in mind if you will show your position to enemies, they can kill you. When you destroy the copter, it will drop many useful supplies, protective equipment, and a lot of money. But remember you are not the only one hunting for this loot: many rivals will immediately use the opportunity to get your reward. Moreover, the helicopter will appear for a short time, so if you plan to shoot it down, open fire on it at once.

But these scripts don’t run in every Battle Royale match.

If you want to raise your character’s level, but do not want to go through small tasks, then COD boosting services will help you. Moreover, this is not cheating, and only the best boosters will interact with your account. Indeed, if you have a new account and you want to play with strong opponents, but do not want to adjust the rating yourself, then boosting is ideal for you.

New Maps in CoD

Three new modes will be available to you if you have the battle pass COD. Developers added new game modes specifically to vary the gameplay. Do you like team fights? Then you will enjoy Zhokov Scrapyard mode. Each gamer will find his favorite mode and train his skills.

New Maps in CoD
  • Zhokov Scrapyard is a map for fans of the classic mode. If you are a long time fan of the game, this map will be familiar to you. You will fight in a crew with six players against the enemy team in this mode. Supply your guns with FMJ to kill opponents across the airplane wreckage scattered around the map. Zhokov Scrapyard will have active matches in constant motion. This map will be available to players with a Call Of Duty season pass.
  • Barakett Promenade, the map where the Ground War took place. Seasoned gamers will get special pleasure from this map. You must prepare for close combat and the heavy arsenal on this map.
  • Trench is perfect for Gunfight mode. With a battle pass COD, you can participate in classic battles on Trench. This card gives you the ability to move through a maze of trenches. To survive here, you need to be as careful as possible. Watch out for glint; it could be snipers. Players can exit the trenches to move quickly, but this way, they open their position to the enemy and put you in danger.

Additional free modes in Call of Duty

Three more new modes will become available to owners of the season pass Call Of Duty during the season. More about them:

  1. In Team Defender mode, the goal of the game is to protect your teammate holding the flag. Give information to your teammates using the voice chat to confront the enemy and successfully make kill streaks.
  2. One in the Chamber is a classic party game. Several gamers play on the same map with only one bullet. If you miss, then the only chance to defeat your opponent is to win a battle. Get more bullets with accurate shots, but do not forget you have only three lives.
  3. In the All or Nothing mode, gamers only have a gun and a knife. To win, kill as many opponents as you can.

Play different modes to get new ranks. Raise your level and earn points, and then you can get blueprints for new weapons.

New hero Captain Price

Battle pass COD gives you a lot of new interesting options and exciting content in the game. You will also receive a new hero Captain Price, a 10% bonus to experience during the season, and new tasks will open. Besides, you get a Nightfall skin for the captain, a rare blueprint, five skins for vehicles, and much more for free, after reaching a certain level. Get new free weapons. Add to your arsenal the Fennec MK9 submachine gun, after reaching level 15, and the CR-56 AMAX assault rifle, which you will receive at level 31.

New hero Captain Price

Put your skills to the test and collect unique loot in the fourth season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

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